
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Supermoon And Perseid Meteor Shower will be witnessed today

Two interesting phenomena of the sky will be witnessed on Sunday (10/8) this evening, supermoon and the Perseid meteor shower.
Supermoon is the event when the moon reaches the closest distance to the Earth so it will appear larger. Supermoon will happen tonight is the second supermoon during 2014.
The size difference will be difficult to realize by the lay observer who did not use the tool. In order to differentiate, the public can take pictures supermoon tonight and compare it with the usual full moon photo.

Astronomy is more familiar with the term perigee moon, which is when the moon reaches its closest point to Earth. Along with the supermoon later, there will be the Perseid meteor shower. This meteor shower occurs when the Earth enters the outer region rich remnant dust comet Swift-Tuttle.

Unfortunately, two phenomena that can not be enjoyed simultaneously optimally. Supermoon it would "frustrate" the Perseid meteor shower.

Perseid meteor shower will peak on 13 August 2014 Name of the meteor shower is named after the constellation Perseus. When a meteor shower occurs, the meteors will appear as if from the constellation Perseus.


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